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Fill Up Your Classes By Giving Back

by 97display on

It’s no secret that times are hard during this pandemic. As a Martial Arts Owner or Fitness Owner, you’re probably wondering how to fill your classes and keep your current members engaged.

I recently sat down with Mark Moore of the Growth Dojo and he gave some great advice on how to keep your Martial Arts and Fitness classes filled up and a few useful tips to grow your business. Mark gave 3 examples that I think are interesting to consider. You might be surprised by his answers. 

Be Genuine

As a fitness owner, now more than ever, it’s imperative, to be honest with your community or clients. Nobody wants to shop or buy from a brand that’s not trusted. In fact, BrightLocal found that 93% of local consumers use reviews to determine if a local business is good or bad. 

Mark takes it one step further when he says, “We buy from people that we trust. More than ever, we are tighter with our money. We want to give it to people that we trust.”

So at this point, you might be asking yourself, “How can I build trust?”. The answer isn’t as hard as you might think. Your social media presence is the first place to start. Start by building up your 5-star reviews on Google and Facebook and be sure to add them to your website. Visiting traffic will be looking to see what your clients are saying about you AND it will help with your organic Google rankings as well. 

Give Back

Consumers can tell how passionate you are. If you’re not passionate about fitness, martial arts, krav maga, yoga, etc, chances are your business isn’t going to thrive. In the interview, Mark talks about how he was able to give back to his community and the world. 

As Mark says, “We give back to the world and we call it being a “Go-Giver”. In April [2020] we’ve given over 7 thousand pairs of shoes to the underprivileged. When you do stuff like that people see your program in a different way.”

There are many different ways to give back. We find that the best way to give back is to host community events. This is a great way to get your members active and have a greater impact on your community. You’d be surprised at how this can impact the growth business just by doing small charitable events.

Be Part Of Something Bigger Than Yourself  

It’s easy to use your social media channels to promote your latest special, upcoming events/seminars, or new service offerings. At the end of the day, you’re in the business to make money and provide for yourself and your family, right? Mark does something interesting with his sales script that took him from $70 in his bank account to now over 400 members, he talks about how his special, event, etc can benefit his community.

As Mark says, “Everyone has specials. When I come on, I say we need 5 more signs to provide 100 new pairs of sneakers. You’re able to sell more in a lighthearted way.” 

Be part of something that’s bigger than your business. Trust me, prospective clients want to as well. 

To see the full interview check out the video below to see how you can impact your local community and fill up your gym.

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